
Sometimes I write about writing.

Case Study Examples: Tips to Supercharge your Case Study

Case Study Examples: Tips to Supercharge your Case Study

Case study examples are easy to come by. But what makes a truly powerful case study? I'll answer that question in this post. What is a case study? A B2B (Business-to-Business) case study is a detailed account or story that illustrates how a company or an organization...

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Example of a Case Study: Understanding and Using Them

Example of a Case Study: Understanding and Using Them

Are you looking for an example of a case study? If so, you've come to the right place. I'll be the first one to admit it: case studies are like the secret sauce in your favorite restaurant's most popular dish. They're a game-changer, especially in the B2B world. Trust...

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The Power of Storytelling Is in Its Resonance

The Power of Storytelling Is in Its Resonance

By now there can be no doubt as to power of storytelling. Folk like Andy Goodman, Annette Simmons, Michael Margolis, Peter Guber, Katharine Hansen, and most certainly Joseph Campbell, have firmly established this fact in their discussions of the practical uses of...

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Why is Business Storytelling so Powerful?

Why is Business Storytelling so Powerful?

What is it about business storytelling? We all tell stories. It’s one of the most natural ways to communicate. The power of storytelling is unmatched. And there are several proven reasons for that. Storytelling is in our nature The oral tradition of storytelling is...

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Why You Must Invest in Multiple Customer Success Stories

Why You Must Invest in Multiple Customer Success Stories

Why multiple customer success stories? Would you buy a product on Amazon that has only one customer recommendation? Probably not. At first blush, you might think that an article like this about multiple customer success stories is a bit self-serving. I’m a customer...

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The Unbelievable ROI of Hiring a Case Study Writer

The Unbelievable ROI of Hiring a Case Study Writer

I'll never forget the first time I realized just how powerful case studies could be. I had been hired as a case study writer by a rising tech startup, and they were thrilled to start seeing the fruits of their investment in my services. The CEO called me up one day,...

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